Mexico Vera Cruz Mission

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 26, 2014

Sooooooo...... I received a transfer. I will now be going to a place called Tuxtlas!!!! It's actually an area where I have wanted to go since I heard about it. It's a place that many people believe is where the last battle in the Book of Mormon took place or something like that. It's believed to be a place with a very strong spiritual presence. I'm gonna get to go there! Sounds pretty sweet the only thing that will be tough is that I'm going in what they call white wash. When 2 missionaries that were in other areas go to a new area. So we pretty much won't know anything about the area....but we will have a map! hahaha. Should be fun! I will also have my first American companion! His name is Elder Killpack. I don't know him very well but I know who he is because he was in the offices as secretary of the records. Also heard that Tuxtlas is more of a jungle a little bit more humidity and with that come the beloved mosquitoes! I'm actually really excited to go see what happens. I was laughing earlier in the day because I've been sent to the Mexico Veracruz mission and I haven't even been in the city of Veracruz haha. I've always been outside in the small towns. 

This week was good and tough at the same time. We have been working really hard to find people to teach. We received 21 Names of friends and family of the members this week. Normally we have about 10. We went with all of these people super happy knowing we were going to find a bunch of people. BUT of these 21 about 3 of them actually let us give them a lesson. It was tough....BUT for the hard work we did we were able to find more people than what we have been doing normally. So there was a little bit of good and a little bit of bad. But that's life! haha. 

This week Himeldo also was confirmed a member and received the Holy Ghost. He has changed soooo much its just awesome. He actually even went with us to visit some people that same day. Gave his testimony in the lesson and everything. Now he just needs to get himself ready for the mission haha. He only has to wait a year and then he can roll out. That's what I hope to hear in a year! "Himeldo recieved his mission call and is going to...." That's gonna be a sweet day! 

I'm loving the mission. It's up and down, but man its a good time and even better when you can see the changes that the people make. I wish that I could show you all the difference that the gospel makes in our lives. I honestly feel like I never understood it but now I do. I hope that we never take for granted that we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that this is the kingdom of God on the earth today. AND that there is a HUGE necessity for the gospel. Share it in all times in all things and in all places. I don't want any of you or me to arrive in our judgement day and see all the people that we didn't share the gospel with saying " Why didn't you tell me?" I guarantee we will feel horrible if we don't do it. SO whats the solution? JUST SHARE THE GOSPEL! Its so simple and easy BUT we have to take the initiative in doing it. I promise that if you strive daily to share the gospel you will be able to feel the love of God and the spirit more in your lives. And this will help you in every aspect of your life. I love you guys and hope all is well.

Elder Hakes

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19, 2014

This week we had a baptism! It was an 18 year old named Himeldo. He truly changed a lot because of the gospel and will now be confirmed a member of the church this week. It was awesome to work with him and see the changes he has made. The gospel truly changes lives don't ever forget that. 

The week went by fast....they always are flying by! This next week will be exchanges and we will see what happens. I'll probably go to a new area but who knows? This last week I made a pretty sweet salsa. Actually it was super spicy! I;ve started to eat all the spicy was a habanero salsa. It wasn't to bad. I liked it and ate it all week. I also made tacos dorados(taquitos). Here they make these tacos out of mashed potatoes and chorizo. Its super good! I like it a lot! They were pretty good. I'm still  seeing lots of iguanas. The weather is still being super weird! It gets super hot and then the next day its super windy. Then it goes back to normal a couple weeks and then again the wind.
We had that this week. 

The work is going slow...the whole mission has slowed down a little bit with the success we've had. But, we are working hard to keep having success. We are looking hard to find new people. Also this week we will have our interviews with President TreviƱo. They are always really nice to have. I like talking with him. He's a very good man and helps a lot. This last Sunday also I was able to talk in church. I was assigned to talk about being animated to achieve our callings or do all that is needed with our callings. It was interesting and I liked it a lot. The callings we have are to serve the church and the people there. Also it is a way to keep our baptismal covenant in serving the Lord all of our days. I liked it a lot and I know that our callings are very important. Whatever the calling is, it's important. When we  fulfill our calling, we are blessed. We learn new talents and receive the desire to serve more. I know that this is true. Also that the Lord knows each one of us. He will never ask us to have a calling that we cant fulfill. 

I love you guys and thank you for the support. I know  its short.....but promise to write more next week!

Elder Hakes

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

SO this week......well I got to talk with the family for starters. It was another awesome experience and that I could share the gospel a little bit with my own family. It's an amazing feeling when you do it! You can truly feel the love and the powerful spirit there. That is what the Lord hopes of us that we have a happy family and that we use and share the gospel with each other. 

This week we will be having another baptism! His name is Himeldo. He's an 18 year old guy. It's been awesome to work with him because he had lots of problems.....he had problems with the word of wisdom and the law of chastity but as he listened to us and saw the change in his younger siblings, who were baptized with us 3 weeks ago, he also felt the need to change. SO.... he's done just that and is all ready for his baptism this Sunday. As I have been able to work with this family I have truly been able to see the blessings of the gospel. The changes it can and will make in the lives of others. 

I plead that we can always be ready to share the gospel and that we never have the fear to do it. The need of sharing the gospel only gets bigger everyday. Please do it and the Lord will bless you and you will feel the joy that I have been able to feel. We are also working hard to find new people. We have some families right now that my companion and I have felt are super ready for the gospel but they are having a hard time living it. We are doing our best to help them out and that they can see and feel the blessings. We will see what happens in the week with them. Just gotta keep working to find more people. 

I love this work. It is truly the work of the Lord. And it isn't just for missionaries. I have the privilege of being a full time missionary BUT, as a member you can have just as much of an influence as a full time missionary or even more. The missionaries need help, to be honest. They need help finding people to teach. The job as members of the church is to find people for the missionaries to teach and if needed to offer your home or go on visits with the missionaries. Please do your part and the Lord will help you find someone that will accept the gospel. I love you guys and know that we have a big responsibility of sharing the gospel please do it!

Elder Hakes   

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 5, 2014

This week was alright hahaha. The sun got me pretty good and I had dermatitis! My stomach and chest were both super red and were inflamed! It itched a lot also haha. But Now its all gone and I'm better. 

This week we had 2 really awesome activities that we did. One was a family night with the whole branch. In the Family Home Evening, we taught the 1st lesson about the restoration of the gospel. Very simple and quickly in a way that the members could all understand. Then, we did an activity that was pretty sweet. We divided all the people into 3 groups. We told them they had to create their own church and that they were going to present it to me. I was going to be Joseph Smith in the activity and they all had to convince me that their church was true. It helped me to feel a tiny bit of what Joseph Smith felt. I went with all 3 groups and to be honest, if I was a 14 year old kid I would join whichever one of the churches that presented. But just like Joseph Smith, I felt that they all were almost exactly the same and all said that they were true. But all of them were lacking 3 important elements:
1. A prophet
2. 12 Apostles
3. The Authority of God or Priesthood

I know that this is the restored church on the earth. The only church in which we can receive eternal life through ordinances performed by worthy priesthood holders. We can have a family forever because through these sacred covenants and ordinances. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church of God on the earth. All that read this, I ask and plead that you ask God if this is his church. I promise that if you do this, you will receive the assurance that these things are true. 

The other activity was a day for the children. Its a holiday they have here in Mexico. But it was good and we had many investigators that came. Enjoyed some hamburgers it was all pretty cool. 

This week I got eat a coconut! It wasn't the first time but they are pretty good! You cut it open with a machete and then drink all the water.
After that you eat all the white stuff on  the inside. Its pretty sweet. I liked it a lot actually!

We also confirmed our 2 baptisms from last week  and they are super happy! 
We are now working with their brother to help him out too! He will be baptized on the 18th of May. 

Life's good! Just working hard hope you guys are too;) 

Elder Hakes